Made with Lemonade Inc
Lemonade - Pet Insurance Marketing Campaign

My Role
Lead Designer, Creative, Concept and Layout
Landing Page, Marketing Campaign
Illustrator, Figma
Landing Page
Dog and Cat campaign
This LP aims to make our customers get familiar with less known insurance - Pet Insurance. The LP is customized for both dog and cat owners. It tackles a major pain point by incorporating a visual cue - a cross-section illustration, prompting users to explore further content by scrolling.

Testimonials Posts
Dog and Cat campaign
Recognizing the immense success of customer testimonials on our website, we decided to leverage their impact further by incorporating them into our social media strategy. By featuring testimonials about the benefits of pet insurance in our social media posts, we aimed to amplify the reach and engagement of these authentic stories.

Designed Email
The first design email at lemonade
I had the opportunity to design the first designed email, which presented a challenge related to dark mode compatibility. Despite initially struggling to find a programmatic solution, I took it upon myself to develop an illustrative design that seamlessly adapted to both dark and light modes.